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Research Students Conference Travel

Research Students Conference Travel Image
Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
17 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 04, at 01:31 PM CST
Project Owners

Research Students Conference Travel

USAO Research Program graduate Brittani Mulkey receiving her graduation hoodThank you for visiting the undergraduate research program's conference travel donation page!

USAO's mentored research program is a special year-long experience in which ambitious students work with a professor to create, implement, and present high level academic scholarship. As part of the program, candidates are required to submit their research to professional peer review, either through publication or conference presentation. [Photo at right: Research student Brittani Mulkey receiving her graduation hood]

This year three students from the program have been accepted to present their research to the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association’s undergraduate research section. This is the 38th annual meeting of the SWPACA conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a vibrant international conference with invaluable networking and educational opportunities for our students. The conference introduced the special submission invitation to undergraduate students with professor sponsorship only two years ago, providing an exciting venue for our candidates to receive feedback from and attend presentations by professional scholars while fulfilling the requirements of their research program. (More information about the conference at 

The conference dates are February 15-18, 2017. We are reaching out to you for help with registration fees, hotel costs, and plane fare for these talented students.

Thank you so much for your help and support.


Dr. Shelley Rees, Director of Undergraduate Research at USAO

Choose a giving level


Freshman Level

Thirty-five donations at the freshman level will pay for one student's conference registration!


Sophomore Level

Twenty-five donations at the sophomore level will fly a student from Oklahoma City to Albuquerque!


Junior Level

Five junior level donations pay for a night in the conference hotel!


Senior Level

Five senior level donations will fly a student from Oklahoma City to Albuquerque!


Graduate Level

One graduate level donation pays for a night in the conference hotel!